Asian Social Economy Forum
The number of people who are engaged in the “sharing economy,” which is different from money capitalism that increases poverty and inequality, is increasing in many parts of the world.
The “Global Social Economy Forum” was held in Seoul in 2014 and 2015, and economic initiatives to solve social issues such as the environment, welfare, and human rights are expanding in Asia.
We can work together to solve social issues in Asia based on the economies of Japan's region to date.
Trilateral Environmental Education Workshop
Since 2000, teachers, educators, NPOs, and others from Japan, China, and Korea have been creating learning opportunities to expand environmental education in Asia and the region.
No matter how much friction and conflict there is between governments, the solidarity of citizens will not collapse. This is because a relationship of deep trust and friendship has been built.
We will continue to deepen our practical learning for a sustainable society and region.
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